Monday, March 26, 2012

The Doctor Plays Cowboys & Aliens in Season 7

The Doctor Plays Cowboys & Aliens in Season 7:
The first trailer for the seventh season of Doctor Who leaked this weekend in bootleg form. Insanely, instead of futilely trying to take down an increasing number of copies on YouTube, the BBC just released the official one. Madness, I know! Anyways, I can't decide if this trailer is for one episode, or mostly one episode, or if there's going to be a two- or three-parter with a Western theme, but yeah, it's cowboys and aliens. I'd kind of prefer more stand alone episodes -- I think Moffat's biggest problem as Who showrunner is that he keeps doing these complicated, overarching plots and it's just bogging things down -- but at least I didn't see River Song in there, so thank god for that. As overused as the Daleks got in the RTD years, I'm with the Doctor: "Give me a Dalek any day." (Via The Mary Sue)

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