Thursday, May 3, 2012

Namesakes, Ctd

Namesakes, Ctd:

Many readers can relate to this post. William Smith writes:
Anyone named Wesley Snipes (under 40 or so) or Robert DeNiro (who's under 70 years old) is just asking for it.  Consider a nickname or a change of name or your middle name, if possible.  Try being named something simple, Will Smith or something really common like that.  That's where the suckage really begins because it's both common and famous.  I doubt half the people in high school knew my first name, since I was "Fresh +/- Prince" or even "FP" for short.  And yes, I am very white. Kinda sucked and when I went to college, adopted my nickname.  In short, I am rarely known by my real name, which I actually prefer.
John Coulter writes:
I married a woman with the first name Anne back in 1997.

(We just celebrated our 15th anniversary). Being a liberated woman, she did not take my last name: Coulter. A few years later, she started softening her stance on changing her surname to mine. About that time, THE Ann Coulter burst on the scene and gave her an excuse to never change it.
John Phillip Sousa writes:
I wrote an essay [pdf] about being named John Phillip Sousa.
Michael Sheard writes:
The "well-known" person with whom I share a name - the late British character actor - isn't all that famous, but he does have a famous image.  He played Adolf Hitler in several movies and TV shows, most notably Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  So if you use Google Images to try to find a picture of me, usually the first thing that pops up is a picture of (an actor dressed as) Hitler.
(Note: All readers waived the Dish's anonymity policy to use their real names, for obvious reasons.)

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