Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Top 10 D&D Modules I Found in Storage This Weekend #1 (GeekDad Wayback Machine)

Top 10 D&D Modules I Found in Storage This Weekend #1 (GeekDad Wayback Machine):

Dmb1_in_search_of_the_unknownWe were digging through the storage shed this weekend to find just the right box of Christmas decorations that were needed to make things perfect before the party, when I should chance across the dusty stack of old Dungeons & Dragons modules I’ve had with me for… well, for a very long time. For all the GeekDads who have gamed, as I scan and read through these, I’ll post them for for your enjoyment and comment, if you remember them.

Here’s the first, B1: In Search of the Unknown – the module that came with the boxed Basic Set, and was the first adventure that many new gamers played, setting out to find and explore Quasqueton, the abandoned dungeon complex of famed (but now, sadly, dead) adventurers. It’s a classic dungeon crawl for beginning characters. The key things to remember:

  • If you’re quiet, and put out your lights, the bats won’t bug you.

  • There’s no treasure in the “Treasure Cave.” There are, however, two magical berserkers.

  • If you place a chip from the Magical Stone in you mouth, something really good (like granting a Limited Wish), or something really bad (permanent loss of 1 point of intelligence) will happen.

  • Don’t confuse the Magical Stone with the bat guano.

[Editor's Note: this series originally ran in December, 2007.]

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